Month: November 2021


Going On A Diet: What Suits You Best?

Whatever your fitness goals are – be it to lose weight, put on muscle mass, or simply live more healthily, diet is probably the biggest part of your consideration, and perhaps one that causes the most stress as well. Why? For a start, there is the paralysis of too many options, where figuring out which […]

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Boost Your Immunity Naturally Using These 3 Tips

We all know the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes having a nutrient-rich diet, regular exercise, and taking care of our mental wellness. These allow you to stay fit, look and feel good, and prevent long-term health problems like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. On top of this, our immune system is also […]

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Don’t Waste Your Time On These 5 Fitness Myths!

Fitness myths – we’ve all inadvertently encountered many of them on our journey towards getting leaner and fitter. In this article, we take a look at 5 commonly mistaken beliefs about fitness, and set the record straight about them so that you may have greater clarity, and thus more success, be it in the gym, […]

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4 Easy Tricks To Beat Emotional Eating For Good

Have you ever found yourself overeating when dealing with your feelings? Then you might have fallen “victim” to emotional eating – a term used to describe people turning to food to either manage, conceal, or even revel in strong human emotions. Tiredness, boredom, stress, elation, sadness or loneliness are just some feelings that might trigger […]

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